报告题目1: 两个相反的初级演替生态系统中土壤有机质的积累及土壤的发展研究
报告题目2: 废水和自然水体生物有效性DON:在河流生态系统营养限制中的作用
报 告 人: Robert Jerry Qualls 博士 美国内华达大学自然资源与环境科学系
时 间: 5月31日 (周日) 下午 2:30-5:00
地 点: 农学院103教室
附:Robert Jerry Qualls 博士个人简介
B.S. University of North Carolina
M.S. University of North Carolina
Ph.D. University of Georgia
Major Research Pursuits:
1)Biogeochemistry, formation of soil organic matter by microbial and chemical transformations, microbial mineralization
of humic substances;
2)how ecosystems develop means of retaining soluble organic nutrients during primary succession;
3)weathering of during primary soil development and development of adsorption capacity;
4)role of roots in exudation and leaching soluble organic matter, relationship between exoenzymes, immobilization
on clay surfaces and substrate hydrolysis in soil matrix;
5)N cycling in the Mojave desert; Bioavailability of P in sediment inputs to Lake Tahoe, ecophysiology and competitive
relationships of the invasive exotic Lepidium latifolium (tall white top) and other wetland invasive weeds, wetland biogeochemistry.