


媒体报道:宝盈娱乐app与卡塔尔就绿色智能节水灌溉技术转移达成战略合作 项目金额12.64亿美元

发表时间:2020-08-14 18:11:38


Qatar, China cooperate in digital water-saving irrigation

Qatar's NAAAS Group has signed an agreement with China's Ningxia University and a Chinese company to introduce into the Middle East country digital water-saving irrigation technology and equipment developed by the university.

Ningxia University said on Friday that the project worth 1.26 billion U.S. dollars is an important part of the memorandum of cooperation previously signed by China-Arab States Technology Transfer Center and Qatar Free Zones Authority, which covers projects ranging from food production and water-saving agriculture to afforestation and ecological protection.

Nasser Hassan Al Jaber, chairman of NAAAS Group, said that the digital water-saving irrigation system is expected to achieve maximum use of water resources and promote quality agriculture in Qatar.

The system was developed by a team of experts from the College of Resources and Environmental Science of Ningxia University in northwest China's Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region. It includes technologies and equipment involving wind-solar-powered water extraction, underground seeping pipes and a control software system operated on smartphones.

"The system can remedy the defect of blind irrigation from the whole pipe, and save water in the uncultivated area," said Sun Zhaojun, dean of the college.

Use of surface drip-irrigation is common in Arab countries, but long-time exposure to the weather in dry areas always makes it easy for pipes to age, Sun said.

According to the university, the digital water-saving irrigation system has been used in Oman and Egypt, where it was proved to save over 22 percent of water and 26.6 percent of energy while irrigating industrial crops.

So far, the system has been applied over a total area of 575,733 hectares in northwest China and Arab countries, creating an increase in output value worth 1.84 billion yuan (264.9 million U.S. dollars) and a profit of 378 million yuan.

The university has trained 2,360 technicians from 23 countries and regions on the technology.

(来源:新华社 记者:艾福梅)



宝盈娱乐app与卡塔尔就绿色智能节水灌溉技术转移达成战略合作 项目金额12.64亿美元

8月10日,宝盈娱乐app与卡塔尔NAAAS集团、华新国联(北京)企业管理有限公司通过远程视频的形式签订12.64亿美元的合作协议。该协议依据中国—阿拉伯国家技术转移中心和卡塔尔自由区管理局合作框架协议,由卡塔尔出资12.64亿美元,将宝盈娱乐app的智能风光互补节水灌溉系统设备和相关新技术在卡塔尔示范推广,进一步促进宁夏创新技术成果的转移转化。根据协议,宝盈娱乐app将选派专家和技术人员在卡塔尔实施相关新技术成果的转化,承担卡塔尔“美丽多哈”项目和粮食项目、节水绿化、节水农业、生态保护等建设任务。(来源:宁夏新闻联播 记者:马秀尧 宋克亮)







宝盈娱乐app相关负责人表示,该校技术团队围绕阿拉伯国家旱区节水技术与智能装备缺乏的重大需求,以大力示范推广风能太阳能发电提水、手机APP智能控制和地下渗灌(膜下滴灌)技术与装备为目标,申请获批国家中埃科技援助项目1项、宁夏重点研发计划项目6项,建立中阿省部级重点实验室2个,在阿曼和埃及建立节水灌溉国际联合实验室2个;签订技术转移协议4份共3.2亿元,实施0.65亿元,成功实现了宁夏科技成果在阿曼、阿联酋、埃及、科威特、卡塔尔等典型旱区的规模化应用。 (来源:宁夏日报客户端 记者:王溦)
