


院士报告会:Asymmetric Synthesis of HMG-CoA Reductase Inhibitors (Statins)—Evolution of Synthetic Strategies to Streamlined Process

发表时间:2019-06-28 10:41:10

题  目:Asymmetric Synthesis of HMG-CoA Reductase Inhibitors (Statins)—Evolution of Synthetic Strategies to Streamlined Process

时  间:2019年6月29日(星期六)下午3:00-4:30

地  点:宝盈娱乐app贺兰山校区科技楼一楼报告厅


Fen-Er Chena,b,*

aEngineeringCenterof Catalysis andSynthesisfor Chiral Molecules,Department of Chemistry, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, People’s Republic ofChina

bShanghai Engineering Center of Industrial Asymmetric Catalysis for Chiral Drugs,Shanghai 200433, People’s Republic of China

Statins are a class of HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors used as lipid-lowering drugs which found to effectively reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease[1-2]. We have developed two universal statin processes (for atorvastatin, rosuvastatin and pitavastatin,Figure 1) by 1) kinetic resolution of epoxybutanoate to introduce the C-3 chiral center and diastereoselective bromocylization of homoallylic carbonate to install C-5 chiral center for statin sidechain; 2) catalyzed asymmetric Nozaki-Hiyama-Kishi coupling to furnish C-3 chiral center and Pd-catalyzed bromocylization of homoallyl alcohol to construct C-5 chiral center for statin sidechain. Both processes were optimized for streamlined process and readily for application in industry.

Figure 1. Structures of synthesized statins

Keywords:HMG-CoA Reductase Inhibitors,Atorvastatin, Rosuvastatin, Pitavastatin


[1]Z.Casar.Curr. Org. Chem..2010, 14, 816-45.

[2]Y. Wu, F. J. Xiong, F. E. Chen,Tetrahedron,2015,71, 8487-8510.


陈芬儿,中国工程院院士,复旦大学教授、博士生导师。1985年先后在华西医科大学药学院和四川大学化学学院获药物化学硕士学位和有机化学博士学位。1995、1996年先后在美国Washington University和英国King's College London作访问学者。


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